Cristian Sottile
Current Position
PhD Student (CONICET Doctoral Fellow) @ ICC (UBA/CONICET)
I am a member of the LoReL (Logic and Rewriting for Programming Languages) team. I work in the elaboration of new techniques for proving termination of programs (strong normalization) in different variants of typed lambda calculus. Previously, I worked in the design of programming languages equating isomorphic types.
Director: Alejandro Díaz-Caro. Co-director: Pablo E. "Fidel" Martínez López.
Head Teaching Assistant @ UNQ (CPI)
Taught courses:
Foundations of Programming Languages,
Functional Programming,
Data Structures,
Logic and Programming,
Introduction to Programming.
- Two decreasing measures for Simply Typed Lambda-Terms [LIPIcs|arXiv]
- Polymorphic System I [ACM|arXiv]
C. Sottile, A. Díaz-Caro, P. E. Martínez López.
IFL '20. 2021
Strong normalization and decreasing measures: syntactic proofs of termination in typed lambda calculus
A syntactic approach to Strong Normalization through decreasing measures
Measuring programs to prove termination
Two decreasing measures for STLC
Two decreasing measures for STLC
Measuring programs to prove they terminate
Strong normalisation in a System F modulo isomorphisms
Deducteam Seminar.
Deducteam, Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles, Université Paris-Saclay. October 6, 2022.
Quotienting programs by final utility
- Adding polymorphism to a logic identifying isomorphic propositions (Masters thesis abstract)[YouTube]
- Equating polymorphic programs with the same final utility [YouTube]
- Towards a practical implementation of programming languages equating isomorphic types [YouTube]
- Polymorphic System I [YouTube]
- Communication talk [YouTube]
- csottile at icc dot fcen dot uba dot ar